Today is Michaelmas- September 29th. A day celebrating Michael the Archangel. This day isn't celebrated in America much, but it is a fun fall day to recognize. Revelations 12:7-9 tells of when Michael the Archangel threw Satan out of heaven, down to earth. There are many traditions that go along w/ this day- it is fun to read the story of St. George and the Dragon, and to make dragon shaped bread. Even though my children are know in their early teens they really enjoyed this activity. Our heritage is largely Celtic/British so it is interesting to celebrate holidays that they do. The traditional meal is goose, but I decided to serve Chicken breast sauteed with apple and onion slices, stuffing, and acorn squash cut in half and served with melted butter and brown sugar. Another interesting Michaelmas tradition is to not pick blackberries after this day, as when the devil fell from heaven he landed in a blackberry bush, and they of course went bad- a fun way to remember to get all of your blackberries harvested before September 29th.
Because I was busy today cleaning out a kitchen cupboard, and then inspired to needle felt some of my fall scene, I didn't have time to make a yeast bread dough for the children to make dragon bread- so I had hubby bring home two tubes of buttermilk refrigerator biscuits, and gave each one a whole tube, they fashioned the dough into dragons, and ate them for a snack with jam & honey. I included a picture of our easy dragon bread, and a couple of great dragon themed books for the day.